Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Here I am, a mom dealing with a 17 yr old girl freaking over what to where to prom, who's limo to ride in (of her many groups of friends), weather or not to have her boyfriend to pay for some thing to do with the festivities, because she invited him( he already graduated last year)

who should do her hair and how should she where her hair, and who's doing her makeup

and so, on and, so on, and so on...

I don't remember it being so complicated when I went to prom.

The guy took care of everything for that night except for my dress, hair and such.
I did my own hair and makeup and my mom took me to buy my gown, handbag, and shoes.

The only drama there was was being ready on time!

Am I dating myself or is it really that complicated these days?

Well, at least I've got the jewelry covered!!!

Let me know how you survive all this prom drama!!

