Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Show off...
Well I've entered into a whole new world.
I knew about vegetarian, vegan, and now I'm learning about raw vegan,and raw fruitarian!
It's been an interesting trip. I tried to be a vegetarian for a while but my daughter stopped and I couldn't do it alone.
With each time I tried a healthy food lifestyle my family has slowly become healthier eaters. I've gotten them used to only having whole wheat high fiber bread in the house, whole wheat pastas, no red meats,lots of fruit and veggies. They may not always like what we have but for the most part they're used to it.
My husband and I did juice fasting for some time here and there so the kids were used to us not having big meals every now and then.
I came from a family where I'm sure some of you can relate,that my father would get mad if my brother and I didn't "clean" our plate. We had to eat every crumb off our plate!
Needless to say that was my eating mentality and habit for most of my life.
So today I only try to eat when I'm hungry and if it's a meal time, like dinner or visiting friends and such, I tell the kids that they don't have to eat every thing but at least try new things.
Our youngest daughter,13yr old does just that she's always been more willing.
Now my husband and I have been eating raw for about 5 weeks or so, who's counting, my husband is but I'm trying to take it one day at a time as the ol' 12 step plan says. I used to go to over eaters anonymous yrs. ago not to mention all the other weight loss people who advertise on TV!
I think I've tried just about every thing in or not in the book, to loose the hundreds and hundreds of lbs. over my lifetime starting at the ripe old age of 11, when my Mom took me to the "diet Dr"back in the '60s.

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