Friday, November 20, 2009

The holidays are here!

Last minute addition to my schedule

Come and join me at the Holiday Boutique
7401 Jordan Ave. Canoga Pk.

We are having a raffle for a $25.00 Gift

Ask for Amy !

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Holiday Open House at Adelaida Cellars:
with Book & Author Fair, Jewelry Trunk Show, and Holiday Desserts"
Dec. 5th, 2009 1-5 pm
5805 Adelaida Road, Poso Robles Ca 93446

Handcrafted Jewelry By Amy will be there showing some of Amy's unique pieces.
If you are in the area please stop by and say hello to Amy and Brad, we'd love to meet you!

"If you mention where you heard about this event you will receive a 25% discount on your purchase ".
Big news! Dec 5th. 2009 I'll be showing some of my jewelry pieces at the

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

processed meats news and articles

processed meats news and articles
It's scary what we've learned over the years about our food.
I used to enjoy the addictive food in this article but now I'm a organic vegetarian and 70% raw.
I've learned that the foods I used to love (sometimes missed) were killing me.
I have Fibromyalgia, which affects the nervous system, I was always in pain all over my body, depressed, tired, withdrawn, and more.
Today I'm feeling so much better, much less pain, I feel more energetic, and alive. I use less pain medication less antidepressants. My goal is to be totally off my prescription meds. and live as healthy and normal and long of a life possible.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Living the raw life style

After a life time on fad diets and yo yo dieting I've finally found some thing good for me. It takes a while to work up to the goal I want to achieve but I'm already reaping the benefits.
I have fibromyalgia and until maybe two months ago I was practly bed ridden, always in pain, depressed, no energy, apathetic about every thing.
But I've found a new life style a new way to eat and be healthy. I'm almost like my old self.
I feel so much better I have energy and am able to get up early in the morning and help my husband get ready for work, prepare him his smoothie and lunch. Slowly my kids are sampling the food and smoothies and are incorporating them into their daily regimen.
I still take my medications for the fibromyalgia but I did stop one, I'll wait a while to see if the Dr. and my body tell me if I can do with out the others, I'm on several. I do take less pain meds than I have in the past.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw living

Since I started my "RAW" lifestyle, I've gone from practically a recluse, always in bed, too uncomfortable to be able to leave my bed to be with my family, depressed, antisocial, in so much pain I'd take several prescribed pain meds and muscle relaxers to be able to survive the simplest house hold chores.
I've been eating raw for almost 3 months and have turned into almost a new woman! I still have many of the fibromyalgia symptoms but now I'm spending more time out of my bed and out in the rest of the house with my family.
I have more energy, I'm using much less pain meds and if I do need something, I usually use Tylenol.
I feel so much better over all, I've lost lbs, inches and I have more stamina to keep up with daily errands, my three teens, and actually living life. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm getting in the swing of it

I made dinner with out a recipe book in front of me.
yes, I did remember a recipe I had used in the past weeks but I put my own twist on it.
Beet ravioli with spinach pesto sauce yummy!
I'll down load the photos as soon as I can.
I don't always measure if I'm creating, so I'll give approximations and any one trying this can make their own adjustments.
First take 2 beets , peel them then on a mandolin slice as thin as you can without breaking. .
There will be a top and bottom for the ravioli with all your beet slices, set aside.
Next take about 1&1/2 cups of fresh spinach, and about a 1/4 cup fresh basil and 1/2 cup sweet orange,yellow, or red bell peppers, 1/2 cup of pine nuts, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 table spoon of olive oil, about 1 table spoon of Bragg's liquid Aminos,( sea salt,or Nama Shoyu ) your choice to taste. I had about 4 or 5 mini portabello mushrooms so they were added. Put all the ingredients in a food processor, till smooth and Set aside.
The filling I used was a cashew herb cheese that I had made earlier in the week.
First soak 2 cups of cashews for about two hrs. drain and place in a clean food processor, 2 or
3 cloves of garlic, about 1 table spoon of nama shoyu, 1 table spoon of fresh lemon juice, 1 table spoon of natural yeast, 1 tea spoon of oregano. Blend till smooth, if you find the mixture to need moore liquid add an other table spoon of lemon juice. You want a thick creamy consistently.
Now it's time to assemble, place the cheese in between 2 slices of beets, then add a table spoon of the pesto sauce on top of the ravioli.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


That's what I strive for, not that I live it all the time but I do steal a few moments here and there.


Show off...
Well I've entered into a whole new world.
I knew about vegetarian, vegan, and now I'm learning about raw vegan,and raw fruitarian!
It's been an interesting trip. I tried to be a vegetarian for a while but my daughter stopped and I couldn't do it alone.
With each time I tried a healthy food lifestyle my family has slowly become healthier eaters. I've gotten them used to only having whole wheat high fiber bread in the house, whole wheat pastas, no red meats,lots of fruit and veggies. They may not always like what we have but for the most part they're used to it.
My husband and I did juice fasting for some time here and there so the kids were used to us not having big meals every now and then.
I came from a family where I'm sure some of you can relate,that my father would get mad if my brother and I didn't "clean" our plate. We had to eat every crumb off our plate!
Needless to say that was my eating mentality and habit for most of my life.
So today I only try to eat when I'm hungry and if it's a meal time, like dinner or visiting friends and such, I tell the kids that they don't have to eat every thing but at least try new things.
Our youngest daughter,13yr old does just that she's always been more willing.
Now my husband and I have been eating raw for about 5 weeks or so, who's counting, my husband is but I'm trying to take it one day at a time as the ol' 12 step plan says. I used to go to over eaters anonymous yrs. ago not to mention all the other weight loss people who advertise on TV!
I think I've tried just about every thing in or not in the book, to loose the hundreds and hundreds of lbs. over my lifetime starting at the ripe old age of 11, when my Mom took me to the "diet Dr"back in the '60s.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Here I am, a mom dealing with a 17 yr old girl freaking over what to where to prom, who's limo to ride in (of her many groups of friends), weather or not to have her boyfriend to pay for some thing to do with the festivities, because she invited him( he already graduated last year)

who should do her hair and how should she where her hair, and who's doing her makeup

and so, on and, so on, and so on...

I don't remember it being so complicated when I went to prom.

The guy took care of everything for that night except for my dress, hair and such.
I did my own hair and makeup and my mom took me to buy my gown, handbag, and shoes.

The only drama there was was being ready on time!

Am I dating myself or is it really that complicated these days?

Well, at least I've got the jewelry covered!!!

Let me know how you survive all this prom drama!!

