Friday, September 4, 2009

Living the raw life style

After a life time on fad diets and yo yo dieting I've finally found some thing good for me. It takes a while to work up to the goal I want to achieve but I'm already reaping the benefits.
I have fibromyalgia and until maybe two months ago I was practly bed ridden, always in pain, depressed, no energy, apathetic about every thing.
But I've found a new life style a new way to eat and be healthy. I'm almost like my old self.
I feel so much better I have energy and am able to get up early in the morning and help my husband get ready for work, prepare him his smoothie and lunch. Slowly my kids are sampling the food and smoothies and are incorporating them into their daily regimen.
I still take my medications for the fibromyalgia but I did stop one, I'll wait a while to see if the Dr. and my body tell me if I can do with out the others, I'm on several. I do take less pain meds than I have in the past.
