Monday, June 27, 2011


Good days are more frequent these lately.
I'm not saying that I'm completely pain free but I'm not suffering and needing pain pills or counting down the hrs. till I can take another.

Today I've had an uneventful day, not much stress.
I'm not going to let the fact that today, our 2 dogs decided to make a snack out of our leather sofa.
I'll let my husband worry about that.
I have a terrible time with hot weather but thankfully we've had pretty mild weather for this time of the year. I also have my husband to thank for finally getting our pool liner repaired so when I can't handle the heat I just take a dunk in the pool, aah so sweet.

My sleep has been pretty good, better than usual and when I get the 5htp I'm hoping for much improved sleep.
I need to get exercising again, I was walking up to 5 miles several times a week but my work out buddy got sick and I stopped.
I'd love to get back to yoga,

even though some poses were difficult because of my bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Sleep is so precious and so important to every one, and I've learned how much I need a good nights sleep .
If I don't get a good nights sleep I'm a mess the next day. I get head aches I'm more sensitive to stimuli, noise, light, and I get irritable..
Sleep has been a big problem for me, I'm a lite sleeper, my husband used to snore very loudly, he needs to have the TV on to fall asleep and I need quiet, with darkness.

I wake to the least little sound, nothing like interrupted sleep... it's like not getting any sleep!
I take melatonin to help me fall asleep but I don't always stay asleep.
I've recently learned that in cases where people like me can't stay asleep, need something to level the serotonin . 5HTP is what is supposed to help so I'm going to give it a try.
I've already tried all the drugs the Drs have prescribed but I'd wake with a drug hang over, sometimes it would last all day.
I can't wait till I can sleep like I did when I was a kid.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know we all have those days when we feel like hell, every move we make hurts and even when we don't move we hurt.
Sometimes I just want to scream when some one says "it's all a part of getting old"!
That's when I have to remember sometimes you just have to let it roll off your back like water on a ducks' back.
Today I'm taking care myself as much as I can.
I have laundry to do but I'm taking my time, listening to soothing music, taking rest breaks in between loads.
Because I paced myself I was able to vacuum and mop the floors; in half the house. That's enough Major cleaning, I'm pooped.

I have a friend who is frequently having me meet her somewhere  to get together and that's great for me because if she didn't I'd probably not get out of he house plus she makes me laugh and I find that therapeutic, but there are days I just am NOT up to it.
I think she's finally catching on, that I cant just drop everything to go "play". I have to pace myself or I get over whelmed and stressed and in a lot of pain.  

Take care of your self, pace your self, try not to let things get over whelming. ;)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I take many.
Sometimes I just can't eat all the foods I need to get the optimum benefit.

Some of the supplements are to help me with easing my pain, help me sleep, giving me a clearer mind, and a calmer over all, day.
Others supplements I take are to give me stamina,
healthy liver,(because of the meds.I take), and so on.
I just discovered a Dr. on face book that agrees with what I've had to learn by exploring, lots of research and trial and error.  
Dr. Rodger Murphree, is who I found and I've learned a little from him, but what was nice was to read that he believes there is a natural way to take care of our selves.


We need to put healthy food and supplements in our bodies.
I try to have at least one green smoothie a day.
I use organic or pesticide free fruits and vegetables.

Whats a green smoothie you say?

 Green Spinach Smoothie


At a glance
1 blender full
  • Blender full of baby spinach
  • 2 x frozen bananas
  • Juice of 2 oranges
  • 1 x mango
  • A little water, enough to blend to a good consistency for drinking


  1. Blend all ingredients together to the desired smoothness.

Additional Tips

Any greens are good in green smoothies and there are as many recipes as there are greens. Take time out to invent your own favourite.

I also make my own kiefer water which is a probiotic  to balance our tummy juices.

Utube has a lot of info on recipes for healthy eating and Smoothies!

I have learned so many things about the "Standered American Diet, SAD"

I don't want to over whelm any one, just take things one at a time.
Do what's comfortable for you.
See how much your MD knows about nutrition and what healthy, natural changes you can make in your diet and supplement regimen.
My Doc turned me on to D-RIBOSE powder.

I also payed attention to my body. If a medication made me too groggy, even if the Dr said" it'll take getting used to it" after a week or two  I would go back and tell him I need to be as alert as possible not a lump on the couch!
Then we'd try something new. You be the boss, IT'S YOUR BODY, YOUR LIFE!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


There are times when friends and family need us for one reason or another, moral support, help getting over a cold or getting through an illness of some sort.
Yes we want to be there for them, but we need to decide if it will be too much for us and our illness. I do as much as I can to help, but when I start to feel emotionally and physically taxed in the way that I'll fall ill to the point of needing major down time then I have to excuse myself.  Most of my friends and family understand.  We need to take care of our selves so we can be there for the ones we love


After a some what stressful and very physically busy weekend, I find it important to try to have de-stressing time.
I listen to soft relaxing music as I'm busy doing some daily chores.
I'm also nearly finished with my little sanctuary on the side of the house. I created an area where I can sit under a shade tree, look at all my colorful flowering plants that I've planted or potted myself (a hobby that I enjoy in so many ways). I listen to my wind chimes ringing in the summer breeze, which I find to be so beautifully soothing.
When I'm in my room I usually have the window open to hear the birds sing, which I've lured to the yard with bird feeders.
I love the out doors, wind, water, animals, rustling leaves in the breeze, flowers, and, birds singing.

For some it might not be heaven, but to me it's pretty close.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This very important.
I know everybody talks about diet for health and it's so hard to to make changes, but this is your life!
 Make little changes add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, snack on dried cranberries and fresh (raw) nuts.
I noticed a difference in me and how I was feeling physically,( just over all) when I cut fried foods out of my diet. I continued to change things with my food by going organic, getting away from pesticides in my food, wow! Big changes in how I felt, so much better!


How can I exercise when I'm in so much pain? Right, that's what I kept saying.
Walking is what I was told to do but that still hurt. You know how it is when a normal person exercises, the pain diminishes over time; nope not for me. I kept waiting for my body to get used to it.
When I started aqua exercises, things changed for me.
Exercising in water really helped and got me started me on my way to health.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Often stress is the worst that could happen!
Sure it is bad for most people but if you have fibromyalgia your body goes through some weird and sometimes uncomfortable reactions.
Here are a few of mine:
I react physically to the least little unexpected event, uncomfortable pins and needles rush up and down my arms and legs, (that's my most common reaction ) my heart pounds, my head starts to pound, I start to shake inside and out, I get slightly confused, I sometimes get a panicked feeling.
This all happen in a matter of seconds. Sometimes the pins and needles happen when I just think I forgot to do something important. It's not a fun experience.
When the reaction is really bad I'll have to take some down time, in a quiet comfortable place, maybe play some soothing music, maybe even take a nap. It can become quite debilitating at times, but no one knows what's happening because it's all internal.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I hope what I have to say is helpful to most.
First for those who aren't too sure what fibromyalgia is all about .
Common signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include: wide spread pain, allover achenes, deep pain in the tissues( not the joints as you may have heard in the commercials selling drugs) "at least not for me", presser points on the body that are very sensitive to the touch, (as seen in the pictures above), temperomandibular joint syndrome ( jaw pain ), myofacial pain, ( pain in facial tissues ), muscle twitching and weakness, pins and needles in the legs, chronic headaches, sleep disorders, fatigue, weight gain, memory loss, fibro. fog, (cognitive or memory impairment ) anxiety, depression, temperature sensitivity, and more...symptoms vary for the afflicted.
When I first found out what it was I had, was really something with a name rather than just getting old before my time or burned out from work and parenting I was so relieved because some Drs. say or think it's all in your head!.
It all started with bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome from repetitive motion in the 22 yrs as a chair side dental assistant, working four handed dentistry, in general and specialty dentistry.
I had surgery done on my right hand but the recovery was so difficult from the fibromyalgia that I decided not to go ahead with the other hand.


It's been a long time coming .
I always used to think the computer was too time consuming and it can be at times when a person has a life, family, friends, and kids!
Today I've decided to write a blog about surviving and living with Fibromyalgia because I feel lucky to be as active as I am, and I know there are people out there suffering.
I hope to give others like me, the benefits of my experiences.
