Wednesday, June 15, 2011


After a some what stressful and very physically busy weekend, I find it important to try to have de-stressing time.
I listen to soft relaxing music as I'm busy doing some daily chores.
I'm also nearly finished with my little sanctuary on the side of the house. I created an area where I can sit under a shade tree, look at all my colorful flowering plants that I've planted or potted myself (a hobby that I enjoy in so many ways). I listen to my wind chimes ringing in the summer breeze, which I find to be so beautifully soothing.
When I'm in my room I usually have the window open to hear the birds sing, which I've lured to the yard with bird feeders.
I love the out doors, wind, water, animals, rustling leaves in the breeze, flowers, and, birds singing.

For some it might not be heaven, but to me it's pretty close.

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